Welcome to my blog! – by Lorenzo, age 10


Writing this blog is a new experience for me.  So I needed some help.  Then, my mom hired a writing teacher.  I had no idea who she was going to be.  So, I guessed it would be someone going on the trip with us.  Then we went to meet her at a cafe.  She was actually my favorite teacher, Mrs. Los.  I was happy about that because she makes writing fun.  As part of this blog, we will try to bring you the best pieces of writing we can.

11 thoughts on “Welcome to my blog! – by Lorenzo, age 10

  1. Aaron Molina

    You all are going to start an incredible journey and many people are jealous. May your days be sunny and your nights be starry. Be careful and watch over each other. Keep your minds and eyes open. But most of all, remember you are loved by many!! Be safe.

  2. Aaron Molina

    You all are about to start an incredible journey. May your days be sunny, may your nights be starry. Keep your mind and your eyes open. Take care of each other and be safe. But most of all remember that you all are loved by many!!

  3. Ms. McDonald

    What an amazing opportunity for you and your family. Have a great time and I look forward to reading your blog posts!

  4. Mrs Berry-Leon

    Wow Lorenzo! ! I am so excited for you! I look forward to reading all about your adventures and your excellent written work. Take care and thanks again for all if the wonderful lattes.

  5. Aaron Molina

    Sitting here in Chicago, jealous and happy at the same time. Really enjoying your pictures. It started snowing today!! BLAH!! Continue recording as much as you can, it might not seem like it now, but time flies and before you know it …viola!!…you’re home, You all stay curious and explore!!

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