Things, Foods and Activities I Miss


If you have ever been on a trip out of North America, Europe, and Australia, then you probably notice how little Mexican food there is. But have you noticed the bad quality of the Italian food or the American food available? In fact, if there are burgers, they are all equal to child-size portions in the U.S. You will wish you had brought food from home!

My Swim Team

My Swim Team

Also, if you are gone for more than two months, you might start missing your daily life. For me, my schedule was like this: get up, eat breakfast, go to school, eat lunch, more school, go home, swim, eat dinner, go to bed. I miss swimming a lot and all of my team. I might not be as good when I get back.  You will also miss: Family, friends, kids will miss teachers, and adults will miss co-workers. I especially miss my swim friends because I swam with them almost every day. Also, in not so comfortable countries, you may wish you could use tap water for your teeth.

Part of my crazy family

Part of my crazy family

For one, I miss having my own room and being able to go to bed however early. Another reason is if I wake early, I can read quietly and my family doesn’t have to wake up. Like most kids, I used to wake up and go to school every day. I never had cafeteria food, so I have to pack my own lunch. So that means I often have a lot of PB and J sandwiches. Since I am used to having those at least twice a week, I seriously miss and crave those a lot. I wish we could do more home cooking because then we could make whatever we want. I also wish that more of the meat I eat in restaurants was refrigerated. Not here! Outdoor meat markets really stink.

At home we used the big public library as well as our Nook books. That meant we were used to access to pretty much any English book on the planet. Now, we have to rely on a small Nook library and our own library. That means way fewer books! Here, with small servers and bad connections, we almost never have some dependable internet. If you don’t have dependable internet, that means videos from Youtube or anywhere else take a long time to load, IF they ever do. Also, we have slow downloads, slow loading, slow everything!

Back in America, I had a chess club that I went to every week on Thursday. Nowadays, I never play chess. I wish I could play chess more and when I play chess on the computer; it just doesn’t have the same feeling to it. You also always lose! I feel like I am forgetting it.

Traveling to many countries is fun and exciting, but you will always miss home. I miss a lot, but I don’t regret going on this trip. My life will probably feel way less interesting after our trip. I am also worried about how long it will take for me to get back up to speed at swimming and chess.

15 thoughts on “Things, Foods and Activities I Miss

  1. Gabby

    I hope you are having a good time. We miss you on swim team. I’m sure when you come back it will be like you never left. You can look forward to Kim signing you up for the 500 free. I’m doing it for the second time on Friday. Gavin is swimming it for the first time. See you soon! Gabby

  2. Andrew and Erica Cawdry

    Can’t believe you guys also know the where is your toothbrush people! We met them (briefly) on the train from Bangkok to Surit Thani when we went to Koah Sok 🙂 Looking forward to catching up with you in South Africa!

    1. Kathrin

      Thanks for the comment! Yes really enjoy them! And, we are excited to meet up with you in South Africa. You are in Cape Town now, right? We will for sure be there in mid-April!

  3. Maria

    Great writing! I enjoy reading about how you are feeling on this trip. Missing home and all the things you used to do is an important part of traveling. After living for a year in Ecuador, and missing my family and home so much, it sure made me gain a great appreciation for my life at home when I returned. I am hopeful that when you return, you will enjoy and appreciate all of these things you miss. It is important to appreciate all you have and the opportunities you have when they are available, wherever you are. On this trip around the world you are having many great opportunities and adventures that you won’t get when you return home. Yet being home always offers it’s own set of opportunities and adventures. It is good to miss the things you’ve left behind, but know that they will be here when you return. Learn to enjoy all you have and can do now! Happy travels!

  4. Miracle Ronica


    Great writing and a fantastic job of expressing what you are feeling. So neat that you, at 10, are able to zero in on some of the things are most important. Isn’t it amazing how we, in the States, take so much for granted? I know this trip is making you much more aware of how much we have… and how little some others have. And, following your mom’s blog, assures us that you are also having a lot of fun. Sure wish it were warm enough for water fun here!

  5. Vanessa

    I have the bad habit of craving the least-available food in a new country. Doesn’t matter if I haven’t craved Mexican food in months, guaranteed as soon as I hit Belgium or Thailand I’ll be going nuts for it. Must be some travel reverse psychology.

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