The Adventures of Me and My Toe in a Vietnamese Hospital

    I’d like to say a coconut fell on my toe, or even that it got run over by a rickshaw, but sadly I just stubbed it really, really hard. I was falling down some stairs and I landed on my toe.

    I elevated it on some pillows and took a Tylenol. Then a member of the hotel staff came with some ice water. My dad then asked if we could call a doctor because he was worried that I may have broken it. Our hotel called a taxi and the taxi whisked us off to the hospital. I was in a ton of pain and I sort of felt like ‘Here we go, off to the hospital for one of my countless injuries’.

Consultation Room

Consultation Room

When we arrived, we went to a waiting room. My dad and I waited but we were confused if we should stay and pay a lot of money. We decided to stay because of the fact that we still weren’t sure if I had broken it or not. We went to a room with a sign on the doorway that said International Consultation.  We waited some more and then a doctor appeared. We told him I was taking Tylenol. He didn’t know quite what that meant but we finally figured it out.

X-Ray room

X-Ray room

After that, we went to a X-ray room where another doctor positioned my foot and took 2 X-rays. Then we waited for awhile while they printed out our X-rays. It took a long time because the X-ray was not digital. It was using film, which takes some time to develop. Then someone asked us to go back into the International Consultation room. There a doctor looked at the X-rays and decided it was not broken. Then we left the room and paid 2,500,000 dong. It sounded the most expensive visit to the doctor ever! Then we headed out. I was glad I had the X-ray done.

Swelling Toe

Swelling Toe



Compared to all my other “emergencies” this was nothing. I have a Harry Potter scar from splitting my head my head open, have had a concussion from a swing hitting my head, a spilt on the side of my head from accidentally ramming my head into the corner of the wall, a bump on the inside of my mouth called a ranula that required surgery, and accidentally stabbed my bike gear into the side of my knee. This is the first serious problem I have had beneath my knee. I have also never stubbed anything hard enough to be serious.
All in all, it was a fun experience trying out a Vietnamese hospital. Hopefully, I will not have to go to the hospital again on our long trip. I think that it will not hurt in a week. If I want to walk, I have to walk on my heel.  It has not changed our plans much, we just stayed home that day.

10 thoughts on “The Adventures of Me and My Toe in a Vietnamese Hospital

  1. Andrea

    Wow, that is an adventure. Glad it was only your toe, imagine if you had to try and explain something internal to a doctor without a common language. I figure, you got the hospital visit out of the way, take it easy for a few days and be careful on the stairs.

  2. Chalani

    That is one painful looking toe! Glad to see that you’re doing so well on it now though. Had a great time at dinner – thanks for all the stories! Sorry to keep my post short and sweet – here’s a joke to make it worth it (of maybe not because it’s pretty terrible)

    What do pigs put on sore toes?
    – Oinkment

    1. Lorenzo

      Okay, so I have a riddle. Don’t hesitate to send me emails.

      There was a cabin in the woods. There was two people in it. They were both dead. How did they die?

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