My Birthday Speech and Keeping the Secret

Top Secret     Our family had decided to go around the world.  We decided to tell everyone about the decision soon.  We told the kids at school and our family.  But we thought we were going a year earlier then we actually did.  So we waited an extra year of not telling anyone.  When we finally decided to tell, my birthday was coming up, and I decided to tell my classmates then. 

     My birthday speech was great!  It was crazy how many people were surprised.  Though Mrs. Dehning (my teacher) was the only one who actually could understand even some of the difficulties we went through to go around the world, everyone else was still amazed at what we were doing and how we did it. 

     Some people didn’t believe us at all.  I  think those people expect me to be there next year.  After all, how many people go around the world? But what those kids don’t realize is that more and more people are doing just that.  Anyways, they don’t realize that you have to sell your house, you have to book flights, and you need to know the difference between a hostel and a hotel.

     Keeping the secret was so hard.  In January it was in the summer when we could tell our family.  In October, it was November. In November, it was December. In December, it was January.  In January, it was March.  In February, it was April.  In March, July. In April, August. In May, we decided, once and for all to go in September. 

     I didn’t really believe that.  After all we had put off our trip for a year.  But we got a plane ticket for September 4th and started to tell our family about it in May.  They were all very surprised.  They were excited for us but sad that we were leaving.  But they all planned to meet up with us somewhere along our trip and to Skype with us a lot. 

     Waiting to tell was boring, but when we could talk freely about it was a relief.  I am happy we waited to tell, though.  Doing the birthday speech was cool because they were surprised and excited for me, and I could talk about it at school easily.

3 thoughts on “My Birthday Speech and Keeping the Secret

  1. Omi and Opa

    You’ve just arrived at your Tokyo apartment. I’m wondering how many tatamis in size….?
    It’s really good to know you got there and have places to stay for a while, and friends to visit.
    Already Dad and I keep saying “I wonder what they’re doing now?” “I wonder where they are today”…..stay in touch. We’re living this adventure with all of you.

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