Kinkakuji – Letter to a friend

The Golden Pavilion

The Golden Pavilion

Dear Friend,

We have had a great time so far on our trip. Yesterday, we went to this big gold plated temple called Kinkakuji. It was exciting.

I got a new camera from my mom and dad for my birthday and I took a lot of photos of it. I’ll attach some of my photos.

At the top, there was a phoenix and on top of the phoenix, there was a real live crow pretending to be a phoenix.  I took a few photos and tried to zoom in to the inside of the temple.

We learned that the building was originally the shogun’s weekend home.  (A shogun is a military commander from a long time ago.)  When he died, his will stated that his golden plated house should be turned into a Buddhist temple.

I loved taking photos of it because it made a great reflection in the water around the temple.  I loved the temple.  It was exciting, so many people were there.   We are also going to go to the Silver Temple later this week.



One thought on “Kinkakuji – Letter to a friend

  1. Makoto Ito

    I went to Kinkakuji by school trip when I was a middle school student. It’s never changed. That’s nice to share Kinkakuji experience with you! Ginkakuji doesn’t have silver plates. Too bad. But if you can see Ginkakuji under Silver moon, it’s beautiful!!!!

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